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Kunst Huis Decor van Alina

Alina Handgemaakte Collectie Exotische Stenen


mijn Schilderijen

Mijn recente werken, originelen en canvasafdrukken ...

Voor elk is beschikbaar een canvasafdrukken in beperkte oplage, ondertekend door mij

( tik/klik op een schilderij om te vergroten: )

ArteDiAlina.com painting: The Hydriads
The Hydriads
gemengde* op canvas, 80 x 60 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: The Hydriads
The Hydriads
ArteDiAlina.com painting: The Epigeans
The Epigeans
gemengde* op canvas, 60 x 40 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: The Epigeans
The Epigeans
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Out of Time / Fuori dal tempo
Out of Time / Fuori dal tempo
gemengde* op canvas, 100 x 75 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Out of Time (en ik)
Out of Time (en ik)
ArteDiAlina.com painting: A squared waiting
A squared waiting
gemengde* op canvas, 90 x 60 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: A squared waiting
A squared waiting
gemengde* op canvas, 90 x 60 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: A squared waiting
A squared waiting
ArteDiAlina.com painting: A squared waiting <i>(in corso)</i>
A squared waiting (in corso)
ArteDiAlina.com painting: A squared waiting <i>(in corso)</i>
A squared waiting (in corso)
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Don't call me lover
Don't call me lover
gemengde* op canvas, 80 x 60 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Don't call me lover
Don't call me lover
ArteDiAlina.com painting: A smart kind
A smart kind
gemengde* op canvas, 80 x 60 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: A smart kind
A smart kind
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Patient
acryl op canvas, gemengde techniek, 90 x 60 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Patient
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Neverland ..
Neverland ..
gemengde* op canvas, 80 x 60 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Neverland ..
Neverland ..
ArteDiAlina.com painting: cherries for me, wine for you
cherries for me, wine for you
gemengde* op canvas, 80 x 60 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: cherries for me, wine for you
cherries for me, wine for you
gemengde* op canvas, 80 x 60 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Movement in black and white (door Catrame)
Movement in black and white (door Catrame)
acryl op canvas, 70 x 50 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Movement in black and white (door Catrame)
Movement in black and white (door Catrame)
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Rumours in the city
Rumours in the city
gemengde* op canvas, 80 x 60 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Rumours in the city
Rumours in the city
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Entangled
gemengde* op canvas, 80 x 60 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Entangled
ArteDiAlina.com painting: One who loves the rose should endure the thorns
One who loves the rose should endure the thorns
gemengde* op canvas, 80 x 60 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: One who loves the rose should endure the thorns
One who loves the rose should endure the thorns
ArteDiAlina.com painting: This cat is on fire
This cat is on fire
gemengde* op canvas, 80 x 60 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: This cat is on fire
This cat is on fire
ArteDiAlina.com painting: The Miracle of Love
The Miracle of Love
gemengde* op canvas, 60 x 60 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: The Miracle of Love
The Miracle of Love
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Beautiful scars
Beautiful scars
gemengde* op canvas, 80 x 60 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Beautiful scars
Beautiful scars
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Winter in the countryside
Winter in the countryside
gemengde* op canvas, 80 x 60 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Winter in the countryside
Winter in the countryside
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Winter in the countryside
Winter in the countryside
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Because the sky is so blue
Because the sky is so blue
gemengde* op canvas, 80 x 60 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Because the sky is so blue
Because the sky is so blue
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Because the sky is so blue
Because the sky is so blue
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Dreaming Da Vinci
Dreaming Da Vinci
gemengde* op canvas, 75 x 50 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Dreaming Da Vinci
Dreaming Da Vinci
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Let it go ...
Let it go ...
gemengde* op canvas, 80 x 60 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Let it go ...
Let it go ...
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Let it go ...
Let it go ...
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Cheerfulness
gemengde* op canvas, 80 x 60 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Cheerfulness
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Cheerfulness
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Some like it brunette
Some like it brunette
gemengde* op canvas, 80 x 60 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Some like it brunette
Some like it brunette
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Some like it brunette
Some like it brunette

*gemengde - “gemengde techniek en media”:  acryls, olie, houtskool, etc.

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Mijn kunstkalenders voor 2025, jaarlijks en maandelijks, zijn gratis voor iedereen:  alinaciuciu.it

Al mijn schilderijen staan vermeld in mijn online catalogus ...

Ik ontving de coëfficiënt 8 in de Beleggingsgids Art Leader van Art Now !

Zie mijn webpagina over Artist Coëfficiënt

Ontek mijn Kunst Huis Decor van Alina : Kunst Huis Decor van Alina

En mijn Alina Handgemaakte Collectie – Exotische Stenen : Exotische Stenen

Ook mijn Kunstgalerij in Nonna Bettina :
Kunstgalerij in

En mijn nieuwe Porticcioli Galerij in het Ah Porticcioli Resort :
Porticcioli Galerij

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Sustain Art
Kunst Ondersteunen

26 jan 2025

ArteDiAlina.com Charity