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Kunst Huis Decor van Alina

Alina Handgemaakte Collectie Exotische Stenen


mijn Schilderijen

Mijn recente werken, originelen en canvasafdrukken ...

Voor elk is beschikbaar een canvasafdrukken in beperkte oplage, ondertekend door mij

( tik/klik op een schilderij om te vergroten: )

ArteDiAlina.com painting: L’Araldo dell’alba / Dawn call
L’Araldo dell’alba / Dawn call
acryl op canvas, gemengde techniek, 80 x 60 cm
in “Il Mondo Interview 2022
in “10 Colours 2022
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Dawn call (en ik)
Dawn call (en ik)
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Hunting high and low
Hunting high and low
acryl op canvas, 90 x 60 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Hunting high and low
Hunting high and low
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Amata Phegea
Amata Phegea
acryl op canvas, gemengde techniek, 24k bladgoud, 100 x 80 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Amata Phegea (en ik)
Amata Phegea (en ik)
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Je te pardonne...
Je te pardonne...
gemengde* op canvas, 90 x 60 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Je te pardonne...
Je te pardonne...
ArteDiAlina.com painting: My kingdom for a Horse
My kingdom for a Horse
gemengde* op canvas, 90 x 60 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: My kingdom for a Horse
My kingdom for a Horse
ArteDiAlina.com painting: You're the lighthouse in my storm
You're the lighthouse in my storm
gemengde* op canvas, 90 x 60 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: You're the lighthouse in my storm
You're the lighthouse in my storm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: into muddy lakes grow water lilies
into muddy lakes grow water lilies
gemengde* op canvas, 90 x 60 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: into muddy lakes grow water lilies
into muddy lakes grow water lilies
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Clues for tomorrow
Clues for tomorrow
gemengde* op canvas, 90 x 60 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Clues for tomorrow
Clues for tomorrow
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Il vino della dea / Goddess Wine
Il vino della dea / Goddess Wine
acryl op canvas, gemengde techniek, 100 x 70 cm
in “Premio Eccellenze Stilistiche 2021
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Il vino della dea (en ik)
Il vino della dea (en ik)
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Full of Mystery
Full of Mystery
gemengde* op canvas, 80 x 60 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Full of Mystery
Full of Mystery
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Feathered
gemengde* op canvas, 120 x 60 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Feathered
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Dreaming
gemengde* op canvas, 90 x 60 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Dreaming
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Why Worry ?
Why Worry ?
gemengde* op canvas, 120 x 60 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Why Worry ?
Why Worry ?
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Pieces Proportion
Pieces Proportion
gemengde* op canvas, 120 x 60 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Pieces Proportion
Pieces Proportion
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Resigned
gemengde* op canvas, 120 x 60 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Resigned
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Gemini
gemengde* op canvas, 80 x 60 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Gemini
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Gemini <i>(in corso)</i>
Gemini (in corso)
ArteDiAlina.com painting: The Last Samurai
The Last Samurai
gemengde* op canvas, 90 x 60 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: The Last Samurai
The Last Samurai
ArteDiAlina.com painting: The Last Samurai <i>(in corso)</i>
The Last Samurai (in corso)
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Recomposed
gemengde* op canvas, 100 x 50 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Recomposed
gemengde* op canvas, 100 x 50 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: All or Nothing
All or Nothing
gemengde* op canvas, 80 x 40 cm
in “DUO Perception 2024
ArteDiAlina.com painting: All or Nothing
All or Nothing
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Out of Time / Fuori dal tempo
Out of Time / Fuori dal tempo
gemengde* op canvas, 100 x 75 cm
in “DUO Perception 2024
in “L’Unicità del Volto 2024
in “Trofeo Artista dell'Anno 2024
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Out of Time
Out of Time
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Lady Sailor
Lady Sailor
gemengde* op canvas, 80 x 60 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Lady Sailor
Lady Sailor
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Facing the Storm
Facing the Storm
gemengde* op canvas, 80 x 60 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Facing the Storm
Facing the Storm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Take me dancing
Take me dancing
gemengde* op canvas, 100 x 50 cm
in “DUO Perception 2024
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Take me dancing
Take me dancing
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Innocent flirt
Innocent flirt
gemengde* op canvas, 80 x 60 cm
in “DUO Perception 2024
in “L’Unicità del Volto 2024
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Innocent flirt
Innocent flirt
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Maybe in another life / In un'altra vita
Maybe in another life / In un'altra vita
gemengde* op canvas, 100 x 75 cm
in “DUO Perception 2024
in “Trofeo Artista dell'Anno 2024
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Maybe in another life
Maybe in another life
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Unique (in her way)
Unique (in her way)
gemengde* op canvas, 90 x 60 cm
in “DUO Perception 2024
in “L’Unicità del Volto 2024

*gemengde - “gemengde techniek”:  acryls, olie, houtskool, etc.

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Mijn kunstkalenders voor 2024, jaarlijks en maandelijks, zijn gratis voor iedereen:  alinaciuciu.it

Al mijn schilderijen staan vermeld in mijn online catalogus ...

Ik ontving de coëfficiënt 8 in de Beleggingsgids Art Leader van Art Now !

Zie mijn webpagina over Artist Coëfficiënt

Ontek mijn Kunst Huis Decor van Alina : Kunst Huis Decor van Alina

En mijn Alina Handgemaakte Collectie – Exotische Stenen : Exotische Stenen

Ook mijn Kunstgalerij in Nonna Bettina :
Kunstgalerij in

En mijn nieuwe Porticcioli Galerij in het Ah Porticcioli Resort :
Porticcioli Galerij

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Kunst Ondersteunen

25 jul 2024

ArteDiAlina.com Charity