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Kunst Huis Decor van Alina

Alina Handgemaakte Collectie Exotische Stenen


mijn Schilderijen

Mijn recente werken, originelen en canvasafdrukken ...

Voor elk is beschikbaar een canvasafdrukken in beperkte oplage, ondertekend door mij

( tik/klik op een schilderij om te vergroten: )

ArteDiAlina.com painting: Family
acryl op canvas, paletmes, 50 x 70 cm
(met versch. lichten)
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Wild
acryl op canvas, paletmes, 70 x 50 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: we aren't like everyone else
we aren't like everyone else
acryl op canvas, paletmes, 50 x 70 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: It's summer
It's summer
acryl op canvas, paletmes, 70 x 50 cm
(met versch. lichten)
ArteDiAlina.com painting: June is almost over
June is almost over
acryl op canvas, paletmes, 50 x 70 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Red chair angles
Red chair angles
acryl op canvas, paletmes, 70 x 50 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Pleasure 3
Pleasure 3
acryl op canvas, paletmes en vingers, 50 x 70 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: so many things to say
so many things to say
acryl op canvas, paletmes, 70 x 50 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: under water
under water
acryl op canvas, paletmes, 70 x 50 cm
cf. Kunst Huis Decor van Alina
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Put a lot of love in your heart
Put a lot of love in your heart
acryl op canvas, paletmes, 70 x 50 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Love is in the air
Love is in the air
acryl op canvas, paletmes, 70 x 50 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: take your time, she said
take your time, she said
acryl op canvas, paletmes, 70 x 50 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: I have a dignity too
I have a dignity too
acryl op canvas, paletmes, 70 x 50 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Forgotten (into the shadow)
Forgotten (into the shadow)
acryl op canvas, paletmes, 70 x 50 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: you make me feel like a natural woman
you make me feel like a natural woman
acryl op canvas, paletmes, 70 x 50 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: life is short
life is short
acryl op canvas, paletmes, 70 x 50 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: hidden jealousy
hidden jealousy
acryl op canvas, paletmes, 70 x 50 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: and there was light
and there was light
acryl op canvas, paletmes, 70 x 50 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: so everybody sees that we are in love
so everybody sees that we are in love
acryl op canvas, paletmes, 70 x 50 cm
cf. Nonna Bettina Galerij
ArteDiAlina.com painting: enchanted Forest
enchanted Forest
voor het boek van Gilles La Carbona:
“Et les rossignols chantent encore”
ArteDiAlina.com painting: sailing alone
sailing alone
acryl op canvas, paletmes, 70 x 50 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: all comes from the roots
all comes from the roots
acryl op canvas, spons, 60 x 50 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: escapes a lot
escapes a lot
acryl op canvas, paletmes, 60 x 50 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: flowers for him
flowers for him
acryl op canvas, paletmes, 60 x 50 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: forget me not
forget me not
acryl op canvas, paletmes, 60 x 50 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: I used to be a pirate
I used to be a pirate
acryl op canvas, paletmes, 60 x 50 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: light up my nights
light up my nights
acryl op canvas, paletmes, 50 x 70 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Red lock
Red lock
acryl op canvas, paletmes, 70 x 50 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: into the Red boats Harbour
into the Red boats Harbour
acryl op canvas, paletmes, 70 x 50 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: sound is light at low frequency
sound is light at low frequency
fosforescerend acryl op canvas, paletmes, 60 x 50 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Flying into the water
Flying into the water
acryl op canvas, paletmes, 70 x 50 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: out of cage
out of cage
acryl op canvas, paletmes, 60 x 50 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: it brings luck
it brings luck
acryl op canvas, paletmes, 50 x 70 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Ghost ship
Ghost ship
acryl op canvas, paletmes, 60 x 50 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Venice in my eyes
Venice in my eyes
acryl op canvas, paletmes, 70 x 50 cm
in “Mindfulness 2019
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Safe
acryl op canvas, paletmes, 70 x 50 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: the road to castle
the road to castle
acryl op canvas, paletmes, 70 x 50 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: born romantic
born romantic
acryl op canvas, paletmes, 70 x 50 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: almost summer
almost summer
acryl op canvas, paletmes, 30 x 40 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: ain't so easy to play
ain't so easy to play
acryl op canvas, paletmes, 70 x 50 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: harbour for two
harbour for two
acryl op canvas, paletmes en spons, 70 x 50 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: brain as much as needed
brain as much as needed
acryl op canvas, paletmes, 70 x 50 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: it's a kind of magic
it's a kind of magic
fosforescerend acryl op canvas, paletmes, 70 x 50 cm
cf. Kunst Huis Decor van Alina
ArteDiAlina.com painting: scapegoat
acryl op canvas, paletmes, 70 x 50 cm
ArteDiAlina.com painting: Libra
fosforescerend acryl op canvas, paletmes, 70 x 50 cm

*gemengde - “gemengde techniek en media”:  acryls, olie, houtskool, etc.

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Mijn kunstkalenders voor 2025, jaarlijks en maandelijks, zijn gratis voor iedereen:  alinaciuciu.it

Al mijn schilderijen staan vermeld in mijn online catalogus ...

Ik ontving de coëfficiënt 8 in de Beleggingsgids Art Leader van Art Now !

Zie mijn webpagina over Artist Coëfficiënt

Ontek mijn Kunst Huis Decor van Alina : Kunst Huis Decor van Alina

En mijn Alina Handgemaakte Collectie – Exotische Stenen : Exotische Stenen

Ook mijn Kunstgalerij in Nonna Bettina :
Kunstgalerij in

En mijn nieuwe Porticcioli Galerij in het Ah Porticcioli Resort :
Porticcioli Galerij

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Sustain Art
Kunst Ondersteunen

19 feb 2025

ArteDiAlina.com Charity